(Also, the effect of a present recording) greatly enhanced, initialing an impressive first issue. 'Proteus (Pisces)', again stressed that dynamic, with differentiation in more pronounced Shimizu between sostenuto pedal and constellations of figurations in Japanese sound more playful and emphatic plus reminiscent of a pianismo that seems crucial to understand this reading: the Olivier Messiaen. Again, this issue extends Shimizu, leaving the pedal reverberate like a second plane very dense and beautiful. This is a dynamic planes between figuration and extending resonance 'Pastorale (Taurus)', with its floating auras and its echoes of Debussy. Again, the attack is in Shimizu's profile and dynamically regulated, with a very strong presence. While in ' Crucifixus (Capricorn) 'Leng Tan is more expressive to the intoning the word "Christe" with greater emphasis and conviction, creating a whole resonant halo around it until the end of the number. The same could be said of 'The Phantom Gondolier (Scorpio)', since the Singaporean is more expressive and distressing in its recitative, almost spectral coven, while Shimizu sounds somewhat diffident, and the like arpeggios with thimble on the harp , more withdrawn than those of Leng Tan: so violent and direct. In 'Night-SpellI (Sagitarius)' convinces me more than the whistle of Alex Nowitz in record mode, a technique The same could be said of 'The Phantom Gondolier (Scorpio)', since the Singaporean is more expressive and distressing in its recitative, almost spectral coven, while Shimizu sounds somewhat diffident, and the like arpeggios with thimble on the harp , more withdrawn than those of Leng Tan: so violent and direct. In 'Night-SpellI (Sagitarius)' convinces me more than the whistle of Alex Nowitz in record mode, a technique The same could be said of 'The Phantom Gondolier (Scorpio)', since the Singaporean is more expressive and distressing in its recitative, almost spectral coven, while Shimizu sounds somewhat diffident, and the like arpeggios with thimble on the harp , more withdrawn than those of Leng Tan: so violent and direct. In 'Night-SpellI (Sagitarius)' convinces me more than the whistle of Alex Nowitz in record mode, a technique