18 may 15, 09:37fantasma: un troll17 may 15, 09:0214584&*14^&#$85@5&)9翻訳 - 18 may 15, 09:37fantasma: un troll17 may 15, 09:0214584&*14^&#$85@5&)9英語言う方法

18 may 15, 09:37fantasma: un troll1

18 may 15, 09:37
fantasma: un troll
17 may 15, 09:02
14584&*14^&#$85@5&)9658#%: ojo eh... acá la cuestion es sorprender a hrad... si no tienen nada para postear que no lo sorprenda, ni se molesten... (idiota)
17 may 15, 09:16
hrad: No me sorprende nada
16 may 15, 08:31
14584&*14^&#$85@5&)9658#%: http://6zx6cxigcq7tjtue.onion/index.html
16 may 15, 08:16
fantasma: esta es la niña de mis sueños http://videosearch.su/search/http%3A%2Fvk.com%2Fvideo213282275_168339258
16 may 15, 07:49
fantasma: http://i47.fastpic.ru/big/2013/0705/3b/91b32a37b516db84ae1b11f5fdbbb93b.jpg
16 may 15, 07:48
fantasma: se que no es lo que la mayoria busca pero esta nena esta muy linda
16 may 15, 07:11
fantasma: Mashka babko quien lo tiene please compartan por favor
15 may 15, 11:05
fantasma: yo digo sino tienes una buena pc lo mas seguro es k se ponga lenta tu pc
15 may 15, 10:36
males males: hunnnnnn ok si lo instalo se pndra lenta mi maquina ???
15 may 15, 09:21
fantasma: en el ciber de un amigo pueden ver los que los clientes acen si ven pornografia o no
15 may 15, 09:20
fantasma: o tambien puede que el que administra el ciber este viendo lo que haces
15 may 15, 09:18
fantasma: pz por que es peligroso pz ponte de que la pc sea lenta y se lagee en plena imagen es logico que tendras problemas si alguien te ve
15 may 15, 06:45
males males: por que no es buena idea ?????
15 may 15, 04:58
Aburrido: jajajaja Instalar tor en un Cyber para visitar paginas ilegales, eso parece una locura, no es buena idea
15 may 15, 04:19
carlangas: si funciona pero tiene ciertas falla en algunas paginas
14 may 15, 05:38
fantasma: solo en linux
14 may 15, 05:38
fantasma: lei que tor no funciona bien en windows
14 may 15, 05:23
males males: si instalo tor ami pc en que lo afecta o es un simple programa ?? o.o ?
14 may 15, 05:17
males males: diganme como ago para poder utilizar thor ? :(
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
18 May 15, 9:37 Ghost: A troll 17 May 15, nine two fourteen thousand five hundred and eighty-four & * 14 ^ & # $ 85 @ 5 &) 9658 #%: eye eh ... here the question IS hrad surprise ... If They do not Have anything to post That not surprised it, nor do They bother ... (idiot) 17 May 15, 9:16 Hrad: I am not surprised nothing 16 May 15, 08:31 fourteen thousand five hundred and eighty-four & * 14 ^ & # $ 85 @ 5 &) 9658 #%: http: //6Zx6cxigcq7tjtue.Onion/index.Html 16 May 15, eight sixteen Ghost: this IS the girl of my dreams Http://Videosearch.Su/search/http-pasento3A-pasento 2Fvk.Com% 2Fvideo213282275_168339258 16 May 15, 07:49 Ghost: Http://I47.Fastpic.Ru/big/2013/0705/3b/91b32a37b516db84ae1b11f5fdbbb93b.Jpg 16 May 15, 07:48 Ghost: it IS not what most search but this girl IS very cute 16 May 15, 7:11 Ghost: Mashka Babko who HAS it please share please 15 May 15, 11:05 Ghost: I say but you Have A good pc what Insurance k IS your pc Gets slow 15 May 15, 10:36 Evil Evil:? Hunnnnnn OK if I install it IS Pndra slow my machine 15 May 15, 9:21 Phantom: in the Internet of A friend who CAN See Acen customers if They See Pornography or not 15 May 15, nine twenty Ghost: or CAN Also Which Manages Cyber ​​this Seeing what you do 15 May 15, nine eighteen Ghost: pz IS Dangerous pz Ponte That the pc IS slow and IS Lagee in full image IS logical That you'll Have problems if Someone sees you 15 May 15, six forty-five Evil Evil:? That IS not A good idea 15 May 15, four fifty-eight Boring: jajajaja install Tor on A Cyber ​​to visit pages Illegal, That seems crazy, it IS not good idea 15 May 15, 4:19 Carlangas: if it Works but it HAS Certain fault on some pages 14 May 15, 5:38 Ghost: only on linux 14 May 15, 5:38 Ghost: I read That Tor does not Work well on windows 14 May 15, 5:23 Evil Evil:? if I install Tor ami pc in Which Affects it or IS A simple program ? oo 14 May 15, 5:17 Evils Evils:? tell me as ago to use thor :(
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
18 May 15, 09: 37 A Troll Ghost: 17 May 15, 09 02 * fourteen Thousand five hundred and eighty-Four &: 14 & # $ 85 @ 5 &) 9658 #%: Eye ... Here the question IS Surprise Castle ... If you Have nothing to post That does not Surprise him, Do not bother ... (idiot) 17 May 15, 09: 16: Castle, nothing surprises me 16 May 15, 08: 31 * fourteen Thousand five hundred eighty-Four & 14 & # 5 & 9658 #% @ $ 85): http: / / 6Zx6cxigcq7tjtue.Onion / index.html 16 May 15, 08: 16 Ghost:

This IS the girl of My Dreams (http: / / Videosearch.Su / search / http% 3A% 2Fvk.Com% 2Fvideo213282275 _ 168 339 258
16 May 15, 07 Ghost: 49:
http: / / I47.Fastpic.Ru / Big / 2013/0705 / 3b / 91B32a37b516db84ae1b11f5fdbbb93b.Jpg
16 May 15: 48
07 Ghost IS not: IS What most People want, but this baby IS very cute
16 May 15: 11
07 Ghost: Mashka Babko it Please Please Share
15 May 15 , 11: Ghost: 05
but I got A good PC IS more sure K Will Slow Your PC
15 May 15, 10: 36
Evils Evils :? Hunnnnnn OK if you installed it Pndra Slow my Machine ??
15 May 15, 03 O ' clock
ghost: in Cyber ​​friend CAN See That if customers do not See Pornography or
15 May 15, 09: 20
: or the Ghost CAN Also Administers the ciber IS Watching what you do
15 May 15, 09: 18 PZ
Ghost: Why IS it Dangerous to put the PC That PZ IS slow and Lagee in full image it IS logical That you Will Have problems if Someone sees you
15 May 15, six forty-five
Evils Evils:? Why IS it A good idea ?? ??
15 May 15, 12:59: hahaha
boring install Tor in an Illegal Cyber ​​to visit pages, That seems Crazy, IT's not A good idea
15 May 15, 19: 04:
CarlangasIf it works but has certain flaw in Some pages
14 May 15, 05:38 Ghost: Linux only

14 May 15, 05:38
Ghost: I read that Tor does not work well in Windows
14 May 15, 2005: 23
Evils Evils: if installed Tor that affects or PC in ami it is a simple Program? O.o??
14 May 15, 17
Evils Evils: 05 Aug: Tell Me How to use Thor? : (
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