A los anteriores efectos, el Gobierno remitirá al Congreso de los Diputados una solicitud de autorización que deberá contener los siguientes extremos:
a) Determinación de los efectos del estado de excepción, con mención expresa de los derechos cuya suspensión se solicita, que no podrán ser otros que los enumerados en el apartado 1 del art. 55 de la Constitución.
b) Relación de las medidas a adoptar referidas a los derechos cuya suspensión específicamente se solicita.
c) Ambito territorial del estado de excepción, así como duración del mismo, que no podrá exceder de treinta días.
d) La cuantía máxima de las sanciones pecuniarias que la Autoridad gubernativa esté autorizada para imponer, en su caso, a quienes contravengan las disposiciones que dicte durante el estado de excepción.
3. El Congreso debatirá la solicitud de autorización remitida por el Gobierno, pudiendo aprobarla en sus propios términos o introducir modificaciones en la misma.
For the above purposes, the Government will send to the Congress of Deputies an application for authorisation which must contain the following:(a) determination of the effects of the State of emergency, with mention of expresses the rights whose suspension is requested, which cannot be other than those listed in paragraph 1 of article 55 of the Constitution.(b) relationship of the measures to be adopted concerning the rights whose suspension is specifically requested.(c) territory of the State of emergency, as well as duration, not exceeding thirty days.(d) the maximum amount of the fines which the administrative authority is authorized to impose, where appropriate, to those who contravene the provisions issued during the State of emergency.3. the Congress will discuss the request for authorization from the Government, and may pass it on his own terms or modifications in the same.

To this effect, the Government forwarded to the Congress of Deputies a request for authorization shall contain the following: a) Determination of the effects of the emergency, with specific mention of the rights whose suspension is requested, which may not be other than those listed in paragraph 1 of Art. 55 of the Constitution. b) A list of measures to be taken referred to the rights whose suspension specifically. requested c) territorial scope of the state of emergency, as well as duration, which may not exceed thirty days. d) The amount maximum financial penalties that the government authority is authorized to impose, if necessary, those who contravene the provisions issued during the state of emergency. 3. The Congress will discuss the application for authorization submitted by the Government and can pass it on their own terms, or to modify it.

For the foregoing purposes, the Government shall submit to the Congress a request for authorization must contain the following particulars:
a) determination of the effects of a State of emergency, with Express mention of the Rights whose suspension is requested, which may not be other than those listed in paragraph 1 of Art. 55 of the Constitution.(b) relationship of the measures to be taken concerning the Rights whose suspension is specifically requested.
c) territorial area of the State of emergency, as well as of the same duration, which may not exceed 30 days. (d) the maximum amount of fines to the government authority is authorized to impose, IF,To those who violate the provisions issued during the State of emergency.
3. The Congress discussed the application forwarded by the Government on its own Terms, and may approve or amend the same