B) Tramitación por el procedimiento de urgencia, es decir, reduciendo todos los plazos ordinarios de los trámites para cualquier reforma legal. Entre otros plazos que se reducen, con especial trascendencia para el normal desarrollo de la función de las y los Diputados, está el plazo ordinario para que los grupos parlamentarios puedan presentar enmiendas que, según dispone el artículo 110 del Reglamento del Congreso de los Diputados, es de 15 días. Son los artículos 93 y 94 del Reglamento los que admiten este procedimiento de urgencia, para cuya declaración se requiere que exista alguna justificación explícita, que deberá ser debidamente motivada por la Mesa del Congreso de los Diputados de manera expresa, o bien admitiendo la justificación dada por quienes formulas la solicitud de esta modalidad de tramitación.
B) Processing of the emergency procedure, ie, reducing all ordinary limits of any legal proceedings to reform. Other deadlines are reduced, which are especially important for the normal development and function of Deputies, is the regular deadline for parliamentary groups may submit amendments, in accordance with Article 110 of the Rules of the House of Representatives, is 15 days. Are Articles 93 and 94 of the Rules which support this emergency procedure for which declaration is required that there is any explicit justification, which must be properly justified by the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies expressly or admitting the justification for whom you ask the application of this type of processing.

(b) processing the urgency procedure, i.e., by reducing the time of the regular procedures for any legal reform. Other terms that are reduced, with special significance for the normal development and function of the ordinary members, is the term for the parliamentary groups to submit amendments,According to Article 110 of the rules of procedure of the Congress of Deputies, is 15 days. Articles 93 and 94 of Regulation that allowed this urgent procedure, to whose statement requires some explicit justification, which must be duly substantiated by the table of the Congress expresslyOr if the justification given by the formulas of this method for processing the request.

B) processing by the procedure of urgency, that is to say, reducing all normal deadlines procedures for any legal reform. Among other deadlines that are reduced, especially important for the normal development of the role of the and the Members, is the term for which the regular parliamentary groups may submit amendments that,According to the provisions of article 110 of the Regulations of the Congress of Deputies, is 15 days. Are articles 93 and 94 of the Regulation that support this emergency procedure, for whose declaration requires that there be some explicit justification, which must be duly motivated by the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies expressly,Or admitting the justification given by those formulas the application of this modality of processing.