Artículo treinta y dos.Uno. Cuando se produzca o amenace producirse un翻訳 - Artículo treinta y dos.Uno. Cuando se produzca o amenace producirse un英語言う方法

Artículo treinta y dos.Uno. Cuando

Artículo treinta y dos.

Uno. Cuando se produzca o amenace producirse una insurrección o acto de fuerza contra la soberanía o independencia de España, su integridad territorial o el ordenamiento constitucional, que no pueda resolverse por otros medios, el Gobierno, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el apartado cuatro del artículo ciento dieciséis de la Constitución, podrá proponer al Congreso de los Diputados la declaración de estado de sitio.

Dos. La correspondiente declaración determinará el ámbito territorial, duración y condiciones del estado de sitio.

Tres. La declaración podrá autorizar, además de lo previsto para los estados de alarma y excepción, la suspensión temporal de las garantías jurídicas del detenido que se reconocen en el apartado tres del artículo diecisiete de la Constitución.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Article thirty-two. Uno. When it occurs or threatens insurrection or act of force against the sovereignty and independence of Spain, its territorial integrity and the constitutional order, which can not be settled by other means, the Government, in accordance with the provisions of the fourth paragraph of Article occur hundred and sixteen of the Constitution may be proposed by the Congress of Deputies declaring a state of siege. Dos. The declaration shall specify the territory, duration and conditions of siege. Tres. The statement may be in addition to the provisions for the states of alarm and exception, authorize the temporary suspension of judicial guarantees which are recognized detainee in paragraph three of article seventeen of the Constitution.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Article Thirty two.

. When it occurs or threatens to be an insurrection or act of force against the sovereignty and independence of Spain, its territorial integrity and constitutional order, which cannot be resolved by other means, the Government, in accordance with paragraph four of Article 116 of the Constitution,May propose to the Congress the Declaration of a state of siege.

. The declaration shall determine the territorial scope, duration and conditions of the State of siege.

. The statement may authorize, in addition to the expected States of alarm and exceptionThe temporary suspension of the legal guarantees that the detainee was recognized in paragraph three of Article 17 of the Constitution.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Article thirty-two.

One. When it occurs or threatens occur an insurrection or act of force against the sovereignty or independence from Spain, its territorial integrity or the constitutional order, which cannot be resolved by other means, the Government, in accordance with the provisions in paragraph four of the article one hundred and sixteen of the Constitution,May propose to the Congress of Deputies the declaration of a state of siege.

Two. The corresponding statement is to determine the territorial scope, duration and conditions of the state of siege.

Three. The declaration may authorize, in addition to what is prescribed for the states of alarm and exception,The temporary suspension of the legal guarantees of the detainee who are recognized in paragraph three of article seventeen of the Constitution.

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