Artículo cuarto.
El Gobierno, en uso de las facultades que le otorga el artículo ciento dieciséis, dos, de la Constitución podrá declarar eI estado de alarma, en todo o parte del territorio nacional, cuando se produzca alguna de las siguientes alteraciones graves de la normalidad.
a) Catástrofes, calamidades o desgracias públicas, tales como terremotos, inundaciones, incendios urbanos y forestales o accidentes de gran magnitud.
b) Crisis sanitarias, tales como epidemias y situaciones de contaminación graves.
c) Paralización de servicios públicos esenciales para la comunidad, cuando no se garantice lo dispuesto en los artículos veintiocho, dos, y treinta y siete, dos, de la Constitución, concurra alguna de las demás circunstancia o situaciones contenidas en este artículo.
d) Situaciones de desabastecimiento de productos de primera necesidad.
Fourth article. The Government, in exercise of the powers under Article hundred sixteen, two of the Constitution may declare The State of alarm, in all or part of the country, when any of the following serious disturbances occur normal. a) disasters, calamities or public, such as earthquakes, floods, forest fires or urban and large-scale accidents misfortunes. b) Sanitary Crisis situations such as epidemics and serious pollution. c) cessation of essential public services for the community, where the provisions are not guaranteed in articles twenty-two, thirty-seven, two, of the Constitution, any of the other circumstances or situations contained in this article. d) Situations shortage of staples.

Article 4. The Government, in use of the powers under Article 116 of the Constitution, two, may declare a state of alarm, in all or part of the national territory, when any of the following serious disruptions of normal.
) disasters, calamities or public disgrace such as earthquakes, floods,Urban and forest fires or accidents of great magnitude.
b) health crises, epidemics, such as severe pollution.
c) paralysis of public services essential to the Community, if not guaranteed under Articles 28 and 30 and, two, seven, two, of the Constitution,Any of the other circumstances or situations contained in this article.
d) situations of shortage of staple products.

Fourth Article.
The Government, in exercising the powers conferred on him by article one hundred and sixteen, two, of the Constitution may declare ei state of alarm, in whole or part of the national territory, when any of the following serious disruptions in the normal.
) disasters, calamities or public misfortunes, such as earthquakes, floods,Urban and forest fires or accidents of great magnitude.
b) health crises, such as epidemics and situations of serious pollution.
c) paralysis of essential public services to the community, when it is not assured articles twenty-eight, two, and thirty-seven, two, of the Constitution,Attend any of the other circumstances or situations contained in this article.
d) Situations of shortages of staple products.A