Conmocionado está la industria automotriz luego del trágico accidente que dejó un saldo de cuatro fallecidos en medio de las pruebas de la nueva generación del Mitsubishi Montero Sport que sería lanzado este lunes para toda la prensa especializada.
Shocked is the industry automotive after the tragic accident that left a balance of four dead in the middle of them tests of the new generation of the Mitsubishi Montero Sport that would be released this Monday for all the press specialized.
Shaken is the automotive industry after the tragic accident that left four dead in the middle of testing the next generation Mitsubishi Montero Sport would be released Monday for the entire press.
The automobile industry is shocked after the tragic accident that left Four Dead In The Trials of the New Generation of the Mitsubishi Montero Sport was launched Monday in the specialized Press.