vulnera el derecho al pleno ejercicio de las labores parlamentarias, al limitar la capacidad de debate parlamentario sobre aspectos no contenidos en la Proposición de Reforma Constitucional, y al limitar la propia participación popular mediante elecciones y referéndum, tal y como contempla el artículo 168 de la Constitución, que es el que, según criterio de los demandantes de amparo, debía haber sido aplicado.
violates the right to the full exercise of parliamentary duties, limiting the ability of parliamentary debate on issues not contained in the Proposed Constitutional Amendment, and limiting popular participation through elections and referendum itself, as referred to in Article 168 of the Constitution, which is what, at the discretion of the appellants for protection, should have been applied.

Violates the right to full exercise of parliamentary work, limiting the capacity of parliamentary debate on issues contained in the proposal for constitutional reform, and to limit the popular participation in elections and referendums, as provided for in Article 168 of the Constitution, which, according to the criterion of amparo applicants,Should have been applied.

Violates the right to the full exercise of the work of Parliament, limiting the ability of parliamentary debate on aspects not contained in the proposition of Constitutional Reform, and limiting the own popular participation through elections and referendum, as provided for in article 168 of the Constitution, which is that, according to the criteria of the complainants for amparo,Should have been applied.