De aprobarse la reforma, en los supuestos en los que haya que optar entre el pago de intereses y capital de la deuda pública, o cubrir necesidades sociales en relación con el empleo, la vivienda, la salud, la educación, la justicia, la investigación o la promoción de la recuperación económica, tanto el Estado, como las Comunidades Autónomas y Ayuntamientos, deberá priorizar el cumplimiento del nuevo valor supremo: prioridad absoluta al pago de los intereses y la deuda pública.
If approved the reform, in cases where there is a choice between paying principal and interest on the public debt, or meet social needs in relation to employment, housing, health, education, justice, research or promoting economic recovery, both the State and the Autonomous Communities and Municipalities should prioritize the implementation of the new supreme value: absolute priority to interest payments and debt.

The adoption of the reform, in the cases in which has to choose between the payment of capital and interest of public debt, or to meet social needs in relation to employment, housing, health, education, justice, research and promotion of economic recovery, the State, as the Autonomous Communities and municipalities.Should prioritize the implementation of the new supreme value: absolute priority to the payment of interest and the public debt.

If the amendment, in the circumstances in which you have to choose between the payment of interest and capital of the public debt, or social needs in relation to employment, housing, health, education, justice, research or the promotion of economic recovery, both the State, such as the Autonomous Communities and Municipalities,You must prioritize the implementation of the new supreme value: absolute priority to the payment of interest and the public debt.