Tres son las decisiones cuestionables legalmente en relación con la tramitación de la reforma constitucional promovida por los Grupos Parlamentarios Socialista y Popular del Congreso, tramitación que se ha configurado a través de las Resoluciones impugnadas:
A) Tramitación por el procedimiento de lectura única, es decir, eludiendo la participación de la Comisión Constitucional, que es la primera de las Comisiones Permanentes contempladas por el artículo 46.1 del Reglamento del Congreso de los Diputados. La regulación de esta forma de tramitación legislativa se contiene en el artículo 150.1 del Reglamento de la Constitución según el cual "cuando la naturaleza del proyecto o proposición de ley tomada en consideración lo aconsejen o su simplicidad de formulación lo permita, el Pleno de la Cámara, a propuesta de la Mesa, oída la Junta de Portavoces, podrá acordar que se tramite directamente y en lectura única.
There are three questionable decisions legally in relation to the handling of the constitutional reform promoted by the Popular Parliamentary Groups Socialist Congress, processing is configured through the challenged Resolutions:
A) Processing by the method of single reading, ie and circumventing the Constitutional Commission, which is the first of the Standing Committees referred to in Article 46.1 of the Rules of the House of Representatives. The regulation of this form of legislative process contained in Article 150.1 of the Rules of the Constitution which states that "when the nature of the project or proposed law taken into consideration advice or simplicity of formulation allows, the full House a proposal from the Board shall, on the Board of Spokesmen, may agree that it is processed directly in a single reading.

There are three legally questionable decisions in relation to the handling of the constitutional reform promoted by the parliamentary groups and Popular Socialist Congress, processing is configured through the contested decisions:
) processing by the procedure of reading only, i.e., circumventing the Constitutional Commission,It is the first permanent commissions referred to in Article 46 of the regulation of the Congress of Deputies. The regulation of this legislative procedure contained in Article 150.1 of the regulation of the Constitution according to which "when the nature of the project or proposition of law taken into consideration warrant or simplicity of formulation permits, the house, on a proposal from the Bureau, after the Board of spokesmen, may agree to transact directly and in a single reading.

Three are the legally questionable decisions in relation to the processing of the constitutional reform promoted by the Parliamentary groups of the Socialist People's Congress, processing that has been configured through the challenged resolutions:
A) processing by the procedure of reading only, i.e. circumventing the participation of the Constitutional Commission,That is the first of the Permanent Committees referred to in article 46.1 of the Regulations of the Congress of Deputies. The regulation of this form of legislative procedure is contained in article 150.1 Of the regulation of the Constitution according to which "when the nature of the project or proposal of law taken into consideration so warrant or its simplicity of formulation permits it, the full House, at the proposal of the Bureau, heard the Board of Spokesmen, may agree to be processed directly and in a single reading.