La autonomía de ' la Universidad en Buenos Aires ' que no permite a la翻訳 - La autonomía de ' la Universidad en Buenos Aires ' que no permite a la英語言う方法

La autonomía de ' la Universidad en

La autonomía de ' la Universidad en Buenos Aires ' que no permite a la política de intervención está viva y bien.
La libertad de expresión, y la libertad de cátedra de opción, la psicología psiquiátrica y clínica de la cultura nacional de pornografía tradicional " de una mirada feminista y subversiva " en el campo de literatura comparativa incluyendo, es maravilloso que la gente pueda esperar mucha fruta interdisciplinaria acertada "la PUBLICACIÓN(CUESTIÓN)
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The autonomy of 'University in Buenos Aires' that does not allow the intervention policy is alive and well.Freedom of expression, and the freedom of choice, the psychiatric and clinical psychology of the national culture of traditional pornography "a feminist and subversive look" in the field of comparative literature including, is wonderful that people can expect a lot of interdisciplinary fruit successful "the issue
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Autonomy 'University in Buenos Aires' which does not allow the intervention policy is alive and well.
The freedom of expression and academic freedom of choice, psychiatric and clinical psychology of the national culture of pornography traditional " a feminist and subversive look "in the field of comparative literature including, it is wonderful that people can expect many successful fruit interdisciplinary" publication (QUESTION)
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The autonomy of the University in Buenos Aires' that allows the intervention policy is Alive and well.
the freedom of expression and academic freedom of Choice, Psychology and Psychiatric Clinic of the national traditional culture of Pornography "feminist view and Subversive" including in the field of Comparative Literature,It is wonderful that people can expect much Fruit "Successful Interdisciplinary publication (Question)
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