Acudiendo al ineludible criterio de interpretación normativa de la finalidad pretendida por el legislador, es obvio que cuando el Reglamento del Congreso permite la simplificación máxima del procedimiento normativo en función de la “naturaleza” del proyecto o proposición de ley no está pensando en una reforma constitucional que no sea meramente semántica, puesto que la reforma constitucional es, lógicamente, la que requiere más garantías, más transparencia y más cuidado en su elaboración y aprobación, por tratarse de la norma fundamental que regula la convivencia en nuestro país. Así se constata con la lectura del Título X de la Constitución y de los artículos del Reglamento del Congreso de los Diputados que lo desarrollan (artículos 146 y 147).
Coming to the inescapable criterion normative interpretation of the purpose intended by the legislature, it is obvious that when the Rules of Congress allows maximum simplification of the regulatory process based on the "nature" of the project or proposed law is not thinking of a constitutional reform it is not merely semantic, since the constitutional reform is, of course, which requires more guarantees, more transparency and more careful in their development and adoption, as it is the basic law governing the coexistence in our country. This reveals the reading of Title X of the Constitution and Articles of the Regulations of the Chamber of Deputies for its implementation (Articles 146 and 147).

Going to the criterion of inescapable normative interpretation of the purpose intended by the legislator, it is obvious that when the Rules of Procedure of the Congress allows the maximum simplification of the legislative procedure in function of the "nature" of the project or proposition of law is not thinking of a constitutional reform that is not merely semantic,Since the constitutional reform is, of course, requires the most guarantees, more transparency and more careful in its preparation and approval, as it is the fundamental rule that regulates the coexistence in our country. This is notes with the reading of Title X of the Constitution and the rules of procedure of the Congress of Deputies that develop (articles 146 and 147).