Ya se acerca la fecha de entrega de C/F y quería pedirles si me pueden翻訳 - Ya se acerca la fecha de entrega de C/F y quería pedirles si me pueden英語言う方法

Ya se acerca la fecha de entrega de

Ya se acerca la fecha de entrega de C/F y quería pedirles si me pueden pasar la orden o pedido que tienen hecho de estas piezas con la fecha de entrega en TMC.

Aprovecho para reenviarles los formatos por la dudas que alguno no lo tengan. Se envía:

- Formato de ICP que debe ir la caja con cada pieza. Ver que estén usando la última revisión (solo para el control dimensional / no funcional).
- Formato de SDS última revisión. Verificar que estén usando el mismo.
- Etiqueta para identificación de piezas (debe ir con la pieza)
- Método para marca mediciones sobre la pieza (ver solo que aplique)

Cualquier duda me contactan.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Now comes the date of delivery of C / F and wanted to ask if I can pass the order or request you have made ​​these pieces with the date of delivery in TMC. I take in order to forward them formats the doubts that anyone does not have it. Ships: - ICP format that must be the case with every piece. See they're using the latest revision (only for dimensional control / non-functional). - last revised SDS format. Verify that they are using the same. - Parts ID Label (should go with the piece) - Method mark measurements on the piece (see just that apply) Any questions contact me.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
It is about the delivery date of C / F and I wanted to ask you if I can pass the order that have made these pieces with the delivery date in TMC.

I resend the formats for the questions that don't have any. Sent:

- format of ICP must be the box of each piece. See that they are using the last revision (only for dimensional control / non functional).
Format of SDS last revision. Verify that are using the same.
- tag for identification of parts (must go with the piece)
- Method for measurements on the workpiece mark (see only implement)

any doubt, contact me.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
We are now close to the date of delivery of C/F and i wanted to ask if I can pass the order or request that they have done in these parts with the date of delivery in TMC.

I formats for each by the doubts that some do not have. Sent:

- ICP format that should go the box with each piece. See that they are using the latest revision (only for the dimensional control / non-functional).
- Format of SDS last revision. Check that they are using the same.
- Label for identification of parts (must go with the piece)
- Method to mark measurements on part (see only that apply)

Any doubt contact me.
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