Las mayores densidades para el conjunto de estos barrios, se observa e翻訳 - Las mayores densidades para el conjunto de estos barrios, se observa e英語言う方法

Las mayores densidades para el conj

Las mayores densidades para el conjunto de estos barrios, se observa en la ciudad de Buenos
Aires y en los municipios del corredor norte (excepto Tigre), donde viven en promedio más de
250 habitantes por hectárea. En particular, Vicente López tiene densidades por encima de 500
habitantes por hectárea. En el otro extremo, en Florencio Varela y Moreno las densidades están
por debajo de los 100 habitantes por hectárea. En la segunda corona, las densidades son menores
que en la primera, aunque se dan algunas excepciones como Malvinas Argentinas y José C. Paz.
En estos municipios, las VyA albergan en promedio entre 200 y 250 hab/ha, por encima de las
VyA de varios municipios de la primera corona. Es decir, las densidades de los “asentamientos
informales” muestran una distribución que acompaña a la ciudad formal, pero con otros
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Higher densities for the whole of these neighborhoods, can be seen in the city of BuenosAires and in the municipalities of the Northern Corridor (except Tiger), where they live on average more than250 inhabitants per hectare. In particular, Vicente López have densities above 500inhabitants per hectare. At the other end, in Florencio Varela y Moreno densities arebelow the 100 inhabitants per hectare. In the second cog, densities are lowerin the first, although given some exceptions and José C. Paz and Malvinas Argentinas.In these municipalities, the VyA contain on average between 200 and 250 inhabitants / has, over theSeveral municipalities of the first Crown VyA. I.e., the densities of settlements"informal"show a distribution that accompanies the formal city, but with othersparameters.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The highest densities for all these neighborhoods, seen in the city of Buenos
Aires and the municipalities of the northern corridor (except Tiger), where more than live on average
250 people per hectare. In particular, Vicente Lopez has densities above 500
inhabitants per hectare. At the other extreme, in Florencio Varela and Moreno densities they are
below 100 inhabitants per hectare. In the second crown densities are lower
than in the first, although some exceptions like Malvinas Argentinas and Jose C. Paz are given.
In these municipalities, the V & A harbor on average between 200 and 250 inhabitants / ha, above the
V & several municipalities of the first ring. That is, the densities of the "settlements
informal" show a distribution accompanying the formal city, but with other
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The highest densities for the set of these neighborhoods, in the City of buenosAires and municipalities of the Northern Corridor (except Tiger), where they live on average more250 inhabitants per hectare. In particular, Vicente Lopez has densities above 500Inhabitants per hectare. At the other Extreme, in Florencio Varela and Moreno densities areBelow 100 inhabitants per hectare. The Second Crown, the densities are lowerIn the first, although there are some exceptions like Jose C. Paz and Malvinas Argentinas.In these Municipalities, the average Home Range between 200 and 250 inhabitants / ha, above theRange of several Municipalities of the First Crown. That is to say, the densities of the "SettlementInformal "show a Distribution that accompanies the formal City, but with otherParameters.
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